December 2020 Newsletter

December 2020 Newsletter

This newsletter comes with a big “thank you” to our patients who have continued supporting us. 2020 was the most difficult period in my 25 years in practice, the year of Covid-19.

This year has seen various changes:

Staff News


It was with deep sadness that we lost our very well-liked and loved Mrs Jessica Govender. Jessica passed away on 1st December last year from complications with diabetes.

In spite of this incredible loss, we were fortunate to welcome back Mrs Natalie York. She re-joined us in Richards Bay after a stint in dental practice. Natalie continues handling medical aid submissions and statements.

We are also delighted to introduce Mrs Cassie Coetzee to our Empangeni practice. Cassie handles accounts. She is also responsible for assisting the social media side of the practice.

Our Practices


The Life Empangeni Private Hospital practice started as Covid 19 lockdown happened. Although medicaly / legally entitled to work during level 5 lockdown, we didn’t. We commenced at this practice from the first week in May 2020. We worked from within the hospital itself between Radiology and Casualty, which was rather opportune.


Being at the Hospital was rather fortuitous. The lockdown closed our Richards Bay practice (inside the Virgin Active). Operations ceased from 22nd March. They only resumed in the first week of September this year! This was because gyms only opened at level 1 lockdown.

My decision this year to focus on the Zululand region has proved to be a good one. We have enjoyed bumper months since September this year. We look forward to a long association in the area.


We bid a sad farewell to my partner and friend in the Umhlanga Hospital Medical Centre, Dr Duncan Jack. Duncan is emigrating to The Netherlands with his young family. We wish Duncan all the very best in his ventures overseas.

We have decided not to renew the lease in the Umhlanga practice for this coming year.


Dr Karmen Manda joined us in our La Lucia Virgin Active practice at the beginning of this year. Although she couldn’t have predicted a worse year to start, Karmen has prevailed. She has shown commitment and determination. We are all proud of her efforts in the La Lucia practice. A sincere thank you Karmen, to you and your family. I am privileged to have you join me in this practice.

Medical Aids

Some exciting news for next year from Discovery Medical Scheme. They have announced new benefits for surgical back and neck procedures. The end result will mean huge savings for patients referred to Chiropractors. More details in follow up editions of our newsletter.

Bestmed Medical Scheme is also interested in an enhanced relationship with us Chiropractors. We should soon see some announcements in this regard.

Christmas Break

To those celebrating Christmas, we wish you a blessed and special time with family and loved ones.

To all our patients and friends, have a happy and safe holiday.

If Covid has taught us anything, it’s to not take our loved ones for granted. So let us celebrate life by spending time with those we love. Enjoy.


Dr Neil Gomes

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